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The LRI AMBIT - IUCLID tool is loaded with non-confidential REACH data supplied by ECHA.
The legal notice from the ECHA dissemination website applies to the AMBIT users.
In addition, Cefic disclaims any liability of whatsoever nature either direct or indirect regarding the use of the AMBIT-IUCLID tool or information / data contained in it.
IdeaConsult is a contractor of Cefic developing and hosting the AMBIT-IUCLID tool. Some data used may have been provided by Cefic. IdeaConsult has acted solely on the instructions of Cefic. IdeaConsult disclaims any liability of whatsoever nature, direct or indirect, regarding the use of any information/data by the AMBIT-IUCLID tool. IdeaConsult shall not have any liability of whatsoever nature for any use or misuse of the AMBIT-IUCLID tool.
The open source chemoinformatic system AMBIT provides the following functions: